«Solutions 2030» - BKW
Everyday heros //
BKW presents innovative solutions for the energy transition with its "Solutions 2030" strategy. At the 2024 Investor Day, it showcased films highlighting the company's identity, specific projects, and the overall strategy. The films impress with modern visuals, dynamic storytelling, and a focus on employees—the driving force behind its implementation and the energy transition.
PRODUCER: Felix Courvoisier, Bastian Hertel, Bettina Frymermann, SEED//SCRIPT: Daniel Leuthold//CAST: BKW//DIRECTOR Daniel Leuthold//DOP: Jonas Steinbacher//DOP ASSISTANT: Gian Niggli//SOUND: Mourat Keller//EDITOR: Glenn Breda, Daniel Leuthold //MOTION DESIGN Patrice Gerber//COLOR GRADING: Franziska Heinemann//MIX: Bardo Eicher